Thursday, June 14, 2007

Silly News Today

Baby Coming!!
Yeah that's right Jay-Z and Beyonce are taking some high sea vacations in the south of France and they might be expecting a new baby!! Ah so cute a little Jayonce!! No Beyonce is not pregnant... but from those pictures I'd say Jay-Z is like close to 4 months pregnant!! :D That tummy is a no no... haven't he heard of working out and sit-ups!!?!

More Flashing
What the hell is wrong with celebrities these days? They look so "unclean", where's the glamor??
Take a look at this new Britney Spears pictures... isn't one time enough? She has to keep us looking at her for some reason! Someone please give her "getting out of the car like a lady" classes or "how not to wear a dress" lessons... It's disgusting!!

(click on the pictures to enlarge)
Photos by: JustJared

14 confessions:

KAYLEE said...

"(click on the pictures to enlarge)"

DO I have to click on the one of Britney? I agree,I could live without seeing another picture of her!LOL!

UMMM yeah Jay-Z dont look too attractive in that picture!!!:D

lisa q. said...

girl...i'm hafta call jay-z and give him my work out routine...i did 140 crunches this morning and my abs hurt! i think he maybe needs to do about twice that many! :D

and word...disgusting!

curryegg said...

I really disappointed with britney... since she left her teenager... she has changed a lot.
How i miss the previous of her...

curryegg said...

Oh ya.. thanks for the link. Izzit I'm one of the johnny depp's member? :)

Unknown said...

I did click on the pic to enlarge :)

Britney is acting all skanky these days. Leave something for the imagination, Britney.

confessing7girl said...

@kaylee:no u dont hv to see britney!! :D and yeah jay-z looks like an old man who passed his days sleeping on the couch watching TV and drinking beers!! :P hehe

@lisa: go go girl jay-z needs help! as for brit theres nothing anyone can do!

curryegg: i was never a big fan of britney and much less now!! damn!!! Of course u r a Johnny Depp Bloroll member !!!!!!!!

confessing7girl said...

@SJ: when a guy actually tells a girl to leave something to the imagination thats the day u should become a nun!!

Taylor Blue said...

that pic actually has a bit of a nipple...that is so gross that she isn't so classy anymore....

confessing7girl said...

@taylor_blue: its real sad!!

Doughnut said...

When all the is left is what shows on the outside...something is major league wrong.

confessing7girl said...

@leroy: u r soo right ... its sad!!

Anonymous said...

Confessing7, you're so right. The younger celebs are getting wilder by the day ... almost all of 'em from Lindsay Lohan to Miss Nevada to Miss USA to Paris to Britney! And by 'wild' I mean doing illegal stuff.

One explanation given by Britney's mom is that she's 'figuring things out.' Perhaps. She grew so fast as a teenager maybe she got lost somewhere and is totally confused. Her shaving off her head was an act of trying to lose her pop icon status. Apparently, she was not happy with what she was.

I really don't blame any of them, either.... because I DON'T know what it means to have twenty million dollars and be a world famous celebrity before you're 20!

Maybe they think differently, maybe they have their own platforms and concepts and speak a language that I don't understand.

zewt said...

these ppl just kept flashing... they dont feel anything anymore. honestly... i dont feel like looking at them even.

confessing7girl said...

@zakman: i guess we will never understand what they go through but come on what about self awareness!! what about conscience!! the difference between right and wrong .... i believe that if u hv some equilibrium u can survive and stay at the top!!

@zewt:true no mystery there so why look?? its just not worth it!!