Sunday, March 11, 2007


Welcome everyone...i'm new to this type of blogging and still trying to figure out a way to make this space interesting and fun for you.
I appreciate comments and critics as i'm still learning my way around...Oh the most important now, who am i?? Well im a girl in my early tweenties, i love to share and discuss ideas about a little bit of everything. As most people of my age i feel like i'm still a little lost... job, getting old, responsabilities, pressure...i just hope i can make this my little space to relax and do something new and fulfilling.
For now, i'm thinking about confessing to you my point of view about entertainment: music, games, tv and movies. But i still have more ideas to work on, like a diary, pictures and some weekly reports....i can't say much yet as i'll need some help, and that still depends on the feedback i'll hopefully have from my readers.
Thank you.......

0 confessions: