Be Green
Earth dayEarth Day is a day to celebrate our Mother the Earth, this planet of ours that is unique certainly in our solar system and probably rare in our galaxy and universe, in that it can sustain life. It is a day to say a special thankyou to Nature by doing something nice for her. Many groups and individuals take this day to plant trees, do polution clean up, etc.
Source: Earth Day
Plus: Efficiency how to: 12 clever ways to save lots of electricity and money (and by the way: also the planet)
6 confessions:
Cute Doll ...isnt it?
Lets think more about our planet!!its the only one we have!!
Damn! there's not a sigle place where i can plant trees here!!
its full of tall buildings!!
peace & love
Earth day is really good day. We should care for the earth she has taken care of us through worse
Our mother earth is getting worse day by day. We should do something to help her! Wake up people and lets work togather for our 'home'!
a big thanx for everyone being green on their comments...let earth grant your every wish!!!:D
i've posted 6 pics of aish-abhi marriage at, hope you wud like them... you wanted the pics I think...
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