Pregnant Celebrities: Nicole Richie & Christina Aguilera
This is good news... the baby celebrity wave is coming!
Rumors are finally over and this celebrity pregnancies were confirmed by the Celebrity Moms!
Christina Aguilera has been spotting a baby belly in her Australian tour. After two canceled concerts supposedly with the flu, Christina came out to say that both baby and her are fine and just needing some bed rest! Future Mommy Christina and husband Jordan Bratman will be having a baby girl that is due in December 15!
It's a Girl

There's nothing better than starting a year with new babies!! :D
It's a Boy
21 confessions:
I was due on boxing day with my daughter but she was a week was a nice belated christmas present....
THATS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am happy for them:)
@taylor: i hv no clue but that must be the most amazing gift a woman can ever get!! :D
@kaylee: yeahh Congratulations to them!! :D
Someday it will be your turn confessing7girl and we want lots of pics then! :)
Bet you already have names picked out too! :))
awww that's awesome! congrats to both! except isn't nicole going to jail? that can't be a good place to be pregnant!!!
(i couldn't get nicole video to load! :( )
Maybe Nicole is now aiming for a real simple life :)
Congrats to the parents-to-be.
My daughter was born on the 2nd Jan, Nicole needs to hope that the baby is late, the more space between the 25th Dec and the birthday the better, otherwise you end up shattered!
why do they make such big news of havin babies!?
every lady in this world will have babies one day or the other!
peace & love
rilly rilly interesting news!!!!!!
can we affiliate
@leroy:geeeeeeee that a day in a future that isnt going to be anytime soon!!no names picked out yet ... well maybe Johnny if its a boy! :D hehe
@lisa: yeah nicole is suppose to go to jail but she might escape it cause of a difficult pregnancy... thats a good excuse!
@SJ: oh yeahh the simple life is getting to her we hope!! :D
@mike french: birthday and christmas too close is a bad business for gifts!! :D
@rajeev: well a baby is always good news and beautiful news! i just thought they deserved congratulations!! :D
@shahir: hi welcome!! and thanks for leaving me a comment!! u mean exchange links?? its ok with me which blog u want to link exchange!
ohhh everybody is having babies! ;) i dont know when will be mine ahahahahah
a baby always makes people happy.
Wow, I didn't know Nicole was having a boy. You've got the scoop on TMZ because they said no one will know what it is until the baby is born!
LOL confessing7girl! I thought all women have ideas of names for children they may have someday...especially names they don't want them to have like their own! I should have known you would pick Johnny for a boy though :)
@soul&body:so u r planning on having one in the near future?? thats fantastic girl!! :D
@katie m.:true its such a blessing and congrats to the new aunt!!! ;)
gerri: yeah im pretty sure nicole is having a boy since i read it in more than one gossip site! they usually dont get that far from the truth! :D
@leroy:no i dont hv names ... i guess im not that type of woman!! not for now! im soo busy thinking about my professional life i forget to think about that old stuff like family and kids!! :D:D
nicole richie sucks, pregnant or not.
What kind of Mom will she be? Someone who takes her kid out to clubs with Paris? That poor kid.
I'm so glad Nicole admitted she was having a baby , Lord knows someone would start a nasty rumor about her having a tumor or something... People love to talk ya know.
@drama div@:i think nicole is settling down a little, lets hope the motherhood changes her!! :D we can hope!! :D
@sugar queens dream:true girl but she is soo thin i dont think thats healthy for a pregnant woman!! people will always talk!
sure we can...
@drama div@: hehe:D
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