Katherine Heigl Talks about her Sex Life & Pregnancy
Katherine just got married to musician Josh Kelley but she wants to waste no time to expand the family. “I would like to start a family within the next year to year in a half,” why wait any longer, get pregnant now girl!! It’s the biggest pregnancy wave in Hollywood you can’t miss that!As for her sex life Katherine knows no routine, she says it only got better with time “It’s always been phenomenal, but I think our sex life is ten times better than it was. We understand each other better. It’s just a whole different ball game. You feel sheltered in the moment, whether you’re being wild and crazy and you’re doing your striptease…or it’s just more mellow.”
Katherine and Josh have been together for almost 3 years, when she starred in one of his music videos and they just got married in December in a beautiful ceremony.As for her diva like behavior, Heigl says “That’s not to say there aren’t moments when I’m a diva. Everybody has bad moments … There are people in my life who keep me grounded, so I couldn’t behave that badly, even if I wanted to.”
I just have this feeling that even through Katherine seems like a very sweet girl, I can totally see her having a diva attack.
Heigl doesn’t regret her long road to stardom though, saying: “My mother says she thinks I wouldn’t have appreciated [success] the same way if it had come faster or more easily. Now it’s a much bigger reward.”
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