Sexy Broke Hogan Needs To Shut Up NOW!
There’s so much trouble surrounding the Hogan family that this is certainly not the right time to give interview if they want to stay away from even more trouble.
Although this is the right time to promote a new reality show that is exactly what Brooke Hogan has been doing in interview for Maxim and US magazine. What happens when Brooke opens her mouth?? Big mistake!Brooke on her dad Hulk applying lotion to her butt: "I know I'm a grown woman, but it's like he's touching an old car. He used to change my diaper!"
Brooke on her mother dating a teenager: “Honestly, I don’t know what to say because I can’t relate to her right now. I’m extremely shocked. I know if I was 48-years-old, I wouldn’t date a 19-year-old. I just don’t feel it’s her. And through all this stuff, I really need my mom, and she’s doing her own thing. I don’t talk to her anymore. I see her at the jail visiting Nick and she asks me why. I say, ‘I don’t condone what you’re doing. I’m on my path, and you’re on your path.’ I told her, ‘I’d love to have you in my life, to see you and talk to you, but the kind of things you’re surrounding yourself with, it doesn’t make sense to me.”
Brooke is using double standards… wasn’t her daddy hulk dating his daughter’s look alike? Anyway, age is just a number… right!?
Read more + photos after the jump…
Brooke on her parents’ split: “I could see my parents growing apart. I told them, ‘Nick and I are grown-up enough to understand that if it’s not right, don’t force yourself to be together for us.’ I don’t think the stress of Nick’s accident or being on Hogan Knows Best helped the situation, but they were already heading in that direction. It was starting to get painful for all of us. Sometimes all this makes me break down, but most of the time, I can look at it and think, we’re all still alive; we all still love each other. I just want to see them happy.”

Brooke on Nick in jail: “When he was sentenced, I was in shock. I’ve always been there to protect him, and this is the one time I can’t stop anything bad from happening. The thing that keeps me going is being able to visit him and see him through the TV screen. But that even sucks because I want to hug him and talk to him in person and see the colour of his eyes….He’s doing great now: He’s put weight back on– he lost 20 pounds in solitary. He’s getting his cleaning on ’cause that’s what his job is in jail: He’s a janitor! I tell him, ‘When you get out, we can go to the beach, we’ll eat your favourite foods, I’ll cook you dinners.’ I give him tangible things to think about.”
Brooke on coping: “I’ve been praying a lot and reading books that keep me positive: The Secret, The Power of Now, Harmonic Wealth. I tried therapy once, and after they tried to charge me 100 bucks for an hour, I was like, Screw this! My main therapy is talking to my friends. If I don’t let my emotions out, I will explode!”
Brooke Knows Best: The show takes place in and around the 20-year-old’s Miami crib, where she and her two roommates deal with dating, partying, and Brooke’s emerging music career. “When I was with my old record label, a certain producer forced me to do stuff that was not me,” Brooke says. “I told them I had R&B vocal training, and they put me on a 50 Cent beat! So I’m ready to reinvent myself.”
[Source; Source]
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